Political Science is the study of government and politics. Public administration concerns itself mainly with the science of administration in the executive branch of government and the management of nonprofit and voluntary organizations. Planning is a people-centered discipline that pursues sustainable development and reinvestment in our communities.
Our majors pursue careers in the public and non-profit sectors as public policy analysts, community planners, or administrators. Our public administration majors find positions as legislative staffers, campaign managers, and elected officials. Planners are engaged in many community issues, including housing, transportation, urban design, the environment, and economic development.
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Urban and Regional Planning Joins Political Science & Public Administration
The Urban and Regional Planning faculty have joined a renamed Political Science, Public Administration, and Planning Department. The merged department adds the B.S. Urban & Regional Planning and minor in Urban & Regional Planning to the current degree granting programs.
SUNY Buffalo State University is the only SUNY campus offering both political science and urban & regional planning in the same department. This interdisciplinary approach facilitates political science majors learning about issues such as affordable housing and social justice in urban planning from planning professionals and for planning students to learn about public administration, government, and politics from political scientists, public administrators, and elected officials.
For questions about how international relations and political science majors can benefit from training in urban and regional planning, please contact Dr. Jason Knight, Coordinator, Urban & Regional Planning.
waive the application fee;
offer you a competitive departmental tuition scholarship if you completed your BS/BA in 4 or more years;
offer you a top level departmental tuition scholarship if you completed your BS/BA in 3 or 3.5 years.