Patrick McGovern

Patrick J. McGovern, Ph.D.

Chair + Associate Professor Cassety Hall 222
Office: (716) 878-6203

Ph.D., Political Science, University of Arizona, 2004

McGovern C.V. >>

Research and Teaching Interests

History of Political Thought and Science, Comparative Democracy, International Relations Theory

Prelaw Advisement website

Courses Taught

HON202 Social Science Seminar
PSC 101 Introduction to Government and Politics
PSC 102 Introduction to American Government and Politics
PSC 104 International Relations
PSC 203 Political Analysis
PSC 344 Comparative Democracy
PSC 351 History of Political Thought I
PSC 352 History of Political Thought II
PSC 355 American Political Thought
PSC 399 Research Skills
PSC 450 Contemporary Political Thought
PSC 470 Political Science Seminar


Campus Prelaw Coordinator
Honors Faculty Fellow and Advisory Board Member
Pi Sigma Alpha, Xi Theta Chapter Adviser – PS & PA Department
Political Science/Law 3+3 Combined Pathway Program Coordinator - PS & PA Department

Selected Publications

  • McGovern, Patrick and Peter Yacobucci. 2021. "A Postmodern Present and President: Postmodernity, Political Science and the Trump Presidency,” Journal of Political Science Education. DOI: 10.1080/15512169.2021.1921587.
  • McGovern, Patrick and Peter Yacobucci. 2019. "Democracy, Res Publica, and Reforming 21st Century Classrooms,” Journal of Political Science Education. DOI: 10.1080/15512169.2019.1609487.
  • McGovern, Patrick and Peter Yacobucci. 2014. "The Missed Revolution: How Twombly and Iqbal Tilted the Legal Playing Field While Political Science Remained Silent,” Politics, Bureaucracy and Justice. 4:1.
  • McGovern, Patrick. 2013. “Hyper-Sullenness: The Public Mood, Wealth Defense, and Political Science as Kitsch,” Philosophy Studies, 3:3
  • McGovern, Patrick J. 2010. “Perestroika in Political Science: Past, Present, and Future, Editor's Introduction.” PS: Political Science and Politics 43, no. 4: 725-7.
  • Luke, Timothy W., and Patrick J. McGovern. 2010. "The Rebels' Yell: Mr. Perestroika and the Causes of This Rebellion in Context."PS: Political Science and Politics 43, no. 4: 729-731.
  • McGovern, Patrick J., and John P. Willerton. 2007. "American Democratic Practice, France, and Russia: Institutions, Values, and Alternative Democratic Experience." New Political Science 29, no. 2: 237-263.
  • McGovern, Patrick. 2005. "The Trial of Scopes: Perestroika, Epic Political Theory and the Dominance of Method," in New Political Science 27:2.